Thursday, December 20, 2007

An Instant Vacation

An Instant Vacation: Relaxing At Home
The title of this post could as well have been “The Return of the prodigal Braahmanan” or “Returned Wanderer”; but I opted for the above.
For some inexplicable reason, I believed that relaxation is best pursued outside of the home. As a result, I usually spend months anticipating weeklong vacations, seldom fully appreciating the leisure time I am blessed with on a more regular basis. Now I realized that it is possible to re-experience the same utterly relaxed state I slip into while on holidays within my home's walls. The feelings of serenity I seem to enjoy during any vacation are a product of my outlook rather than the locale. I think one gives oneself permission to enjoy oneself and unwind while on vacation. Now I find that granting myself the same privilege while at home allows me to experience complete relaxation, even when surrounded by routine.

“Our homes can be distracting places as most survival tasks are addressed there.” Opines my senior colleague Nanjundaiah who was also a professor in psychology. “Reviving the tranquility you felt on holiday is as easy as creating an atmosphere that helps you relax. First, divest yourself of the notion that messes must be cleaned up immediately and reaffirm that relaxation is as vital as physical nourishment. Then, set the mood. May be listening to your favourite music that reminds you of a nice vacation destination can put you in a vacation mind-set. Some-times sharing the exotic flavour of a favourite dish with near and dear ones can transport you to a more restful mental space. Finally, put aside your projects and commit to doing only what you consider truly pleasurable. Your responsibilities will wait as you put up your feet and revel in peacefulness that comes from within.”

“If you find it difficult to ignore the temptation to simply fall back into your usual schedule, consider that relaxation should occupy a prominent place on your to-do list.” Continues Nanjundaiah. “You deserve to take ‘your time’ and to care for yourself, even during life's busy periods. While you may not always be able to get away from it all, you can still nurture yourself and regain your peace of mind.”
And that (I mean peace) I regained in ample measure seems to support my senior colleague’s view.
Sitting on the culverts once again in the evening I related excitedly to my friends every detail of the trip my wife and I undertook to the temples and Kaavus. I laid emphasis on the “Aatmeekam” part of it and “Sthalapuraanams” making it sound as though it was a great pilgrimage long overdue. I thought I made a pretty good presentation sans Power Point!! when another senior colleague Suryanarayanan (popularly called Suri with an uncanny knack of rattling out instant made-up stories) had this to say
“Hardly had a few decades passed since His creation, when the good Lord the creator Himself was known to have been pondering as to ‘why at all I created the mankind?’. Reason? Well…….the people bothered Him incessantly with some request or the other to be fulfilled by Him. With no solution in sight, He at once called for a meeting of the council of Devaas.
“Where shall I go and hide?” He asked.
“The top of Himalayas”, said one Devar.
“When Mt. Everest itself has been conquered, what is the guarantee that people won’t reach me there?” questioned God.
“Why not at the bottom of the Pacific ocean?” suggested another.
“Oh even those depths are being measured and accessed with ease these days”, replied the Lord.
“The Moon, the Mars”, shouted some Devaas.
“Even those planets are no more inaccessible for humankind” lamented the good Lord.
That is when one of the Devaas got up and whispered thus into the ears of the Lord.
‘Go Sire! Go and hide in the depth of his heart. That is the only place where he would never think of searching You”
Even today all seem to search for God everywhere except deep down one’s heart.
Uummm…..Pity my memory is short. How many times have I heard during these Navaraathri days “Yaa Devi sarvabhootheshu chethana ithi abhidheeyathe, namah thasmai, namah thasmai, namah thasmai, namo namaha” (Salutations again and again to the Devi who abides in all beings as consciousness)
And again the good Lord had assured “Aham aatmaa Gudaakesa sarva bhoothaashaya sthithaha” (Arjuna, I am the self seated in the heart of all beings)-Gita Ch. X/ verse 20.
When I related this story to my Ardhaangini, and shared my thoughts on our search for peace, she as usual had the last word with her pithy statement, “How true? Like for God so is the saying applicable for peace ---as well….Haven’t you heard? Iduppile kuzhanthayai vaithu oorellaam thedinaalaam?”
I went back to the kitchen to stir the gosmalli sundal with gusto before the ladies troop in for the evening Kolu.
Warm rgds
30th Sep 06



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