Sunday, November 26, 2006

Gayathri Manthram

Gayathri Manthram;
Posting 07Aug 05

I too have attempted here to piece together information on the subject gathered from some of my senior colleagues (as I threw the subject for discussion) when we sat together in the evenings for a chat and exchange of ideas. So pardon my indulgence.
“Gayatri mantram is the sacrifice which all Hindus have been offering daily to God for over 3000 years. By constant chanting of the divine name we purify ourselves.”
“We just did that, didn’t we?” (20th Aug? MitthyAdheetha prAyaschitthArtham; Doshavathu Apathaneeya prAyaschitthArtham; Samvatsara prAyaschitthArtham--- said the samkalpam!!.)
“Chanting has a universal power, requiring neither wealth nor strenuous effort….”
“The Sun symbolizes the divinity which illumines the world. By chanting to it, we meditate upon the radiance of God which sustains and protects the whole Universe.”
“The all pervading power of God permeates everything as the energy of the Sun permeates every atom….”
“The Gayatri mantram… acknowledges God as the master..”
“If due to negligence you could not practise your daily meditation then you have to purify yourself by fasting for a day and a night. If you have given up the Gayatri mantram and want to begin that meditation again, then you have to undergo Upanayanam once again. At least that is what Sage Saunaka seems to have said?” (!!!!!)
“The sacred thread Yajnopavita is the symbol of purity. It reminds you to meditate and maintain that purity. It marks the transformation of the boy into adulthood. The three strands of thread stand for Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. They also symbolize Saraswati, Lakhsmi and Kali; or past, present and future; or the three letters of OM i.e. A, U, M or like some say the three qualities of nature Sattva, rajas, and tamas;” The main knot in the thread is known as Brahmagranthi or the knot of Brahma. This knot protects our body from diseases and evil vibrations.”
“How? Well, that’s another matter altogether. I shall reserve the discussion on that for a later date”
“The Gayatri mantram contains the power of Goddess. When practised regularly, it will bestow on you, blessedness, power, brilliance and illumination. Gayatri meditation is the highest form of meditation known in the Vedas. By practising this meditation three times a day, one attains perfection of body, mind and spirit (suffice to know that it does good to us)”
Now a story, which my own late father related to me once, which may interest
very young readers. (May not be as good as Harry Potter! though)
When Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva were just children, Gayatridevi put them
into a cradle of void (Akasha) or space, that was hung by the chains of the 4 vedas and with OM lullaby, she put them to sleep and the Devi disappeared. After a long time the Trimurtis got up and began crying. They grew up and were wandering in Akasha when they thought of finding their Mother. They sat in meditation for a long time. The fire of their austerity was scorching the universe. So the Universal Mother decided to appear before them. She manifested Her divine form. She came running for Her children to pacify them. The Trimurthis ran to their mother happily. Hence it is said that whenever any one during the times of confusion or difficulty sincerely prays for the Mother reciting the Gayatri Mantram, She is bound to rush to the child’s aid and guide him out of all troubles.
One’s own mother is said to be the first guru to the child. Under her loving care the child grows and follows her instructions. During the sacred thread ceremony the mother fixes a loincloth on the boy and teaches: “My son, treat every woman as your mother up to the age of twenty four. Until that time, maintain brahmacharya. Engage your mind in studying the Holy Scriptures and meditate on the great Gayatri mantram, which will be imparted to you ‘today’ (On the upanayanam day). May therefore Gayatri Devi protect you.” This is a mythological description of Devi Gayatri.


20th Aug 2005


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