Friday, November 24, 2006

Brahman: A Perspective

A Perspective
One of my friends posted a message "Earth's energy is out of Balance" giving us an opportunity to gain some insight into our own Philosophy of life and the Universe.
"The God is in His heaven,
And all is well with the world"
Said Robert Browning in his poem 'Pippa Passes'. And this would be true eternally. Perhaps the poet got his inspiration from the word BrahmAnandam! which we all are so familiar with.
In SrI VenkatEsa AshtOttharam the 74th NAmam of the Lord is"Jagath-karthrE Nama:" (One who is the Creator of the Universe and its beings).
The Brahma Soothram (1.1.2): "JanmAdhyasya yatha:" is the reference for this NAmam. He is the Creator of this Universe as the Omniscient, Omnipotent Brahman, and the embodiment of DayA. All created entities take their origin (originate) from Him in this wonderfully structured world .All are aspects of His splendour.
TaitthirIyam salutes Him as SrIman NaarAyaNan , who is the creator and Lord of the Universe:
" Pathim VisvasyAthmEswaram SAsvatham Sivam-Achyutham"
He is the Lord of the Universe and Jeevans; He is eternal, auspicious and never slips from His lofty status as Jagath KAraNan and Jagath Rakshakan.
Bhrgu, the well-known son of Varuna approached his father thus "O revered sir, teach me Brahman". Taittriya Upanishad states, "Seek to know that from which all these beings take birth, that by which they live after being born, that towards which they proceed and into which they merge; that is Brahman". And the answer settling the question is:"From Bliss all beings originate; live by Bliss after being born; and towards Bliss they proceed, and into bliss they get merged"
Our scriptures tell us that Prakriti (nature) always settles down to “as is where is” status, namely a state where every thing is in its place in perfect equilibrium no matter how hard one tries to unsettle it (scientist's conclusions not withstanding!). As in stable equilibrium, where objects when disturbed return to their original state, so also in the infinite time domain, all things in nature attain STABLE equilibrium. Take for instance, our mother earth which is in perpetual rotary motion on its spin axis and revolving in an orbit round the sun. We have mercilessly ravaged this earth, conducted nuclear explosions in its belly, razed mountains to the ground, stopped rivers on their tracks, and burrowed tunnels- but with no rattle or roll in its perpetual motion. New inventions have taken place, new medicines discovered, and quantum jumps made in technology. But in nature’s ultimate perspective nothing seems to have altered its stability. Otherwise, by the tonnage of nuclear explosions conducted so far, the earth should have been blown to smithereens; but no- life seems to go on. However, when nature wants to balance out things - be it an earthquake in Gujarat, a typhoon in USA, floods in China, heavy rains in Japan, drought in Rajasthan or Tsunami- nature follows its own method of leveling out. When viewed in this context, suddenly one seems to visualize an underlying principle – that our efforts notwithstanding every thing manifested and unmanifested is in its place for a purpose, in perfect balance and in sustained equilibrium – which includes us, the earth and the Brahmaandam as part of the very system- The BRAHMAN!.


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