Thursday, November 23, 2006

[Paritranaites] I I Tian's Post

[Paritranaites] IITian's Post
Dear friends,
Being an Alma Mater myself (IIT KGP), I visit some web-sites often (almost like home coming) and so I could feel the anguish of one boy (Gautam Kumar) who has expressed so candidly that the politicians are determined to tear apart the well knit fabric of camaraderie of innocent pupils at all planes of education leave alone IITians. The posting certainly brought in a big lump in my throat as I mused along. Out of the many KGP slangs we used, the one which fits best into the situation is “pi-q” meaning ‘totally arbit!’ One of the most commonly used words during my time was 'toppo' (to copy drawings). Usually heard to describe a KGPite's first year life as copying the machine drawings from plate to plate blatantly. We Tam Brahms used to call it “eee adichaan copy”. But then those were not the days of Autocad, CAD/CAM etc.; but hand made paper, pencils, T-square and drawing box. Lot of water has flown in Cauvery since then.

If 50% reservations were to be the norm in 60s, I too a poor Brahmin would not have made it to IIT. I could not afford to get into any of the several State run colleges where I got admission with ease. But IIT with its merit -cum -means scholarship was tailor made for me- an education of class almost free. I think my father’s total emoluments at that time were Rs.310/- pm, 1/3rd of which he sent to support my grandpa’s large family at a village in Palghat. For job, mercifully (though paradoxical here to use that word) when the Chinese aggression took place I entered the Defence Forces and donned the uniform thereafter for 33 years with pride in service of the nation. I was fortunate because none asked me my caste either in IIT or Defence. But the experiences of my kids are different. My daughter who left behind a trail of record breaking, exemplary performances in K V Schools went into (thankfully) AFMC (Armed forces medical college). Today when she is doing her MD privately, she is the only one paying fees in her entire batch because all her friends are children of SC/ST/OBCs and very rich influential people (MLAs, business tycoons, theatre owners etc. etc.). My son who had a similar experience like what one respected Lady- member mentioned (in a group) withdrew his admission from a prestigious Christian college (for being slighted and insulted with castist comments); and graduated from elsewhere at more conducive environment. He also missed by a whisker the state civil services selection in the general category. He has decided to be a free lance consultant.

While in service I found that the children of Defence personnel suffered a lot being thrown around from place to place like nomads and were not able to get into any professional colleges of repute for want of domiciled status despite their excellent performances.

Simply put, a culture that got systematically developed and propagated from generation to generation, that is at once unique and prosaic, discrete and wild, in the spirit of frolic, friendship and sometimes even greater ties will vanish from IIT. Ever vibrant with life, reverberating with excitement even over inconsequential trivialities would vanish from IIT. The warmth and bustle of relentless activity would vanish too from IIT. Pity and sad.
As IITians, it was the pride we shared most; Today, though we are too mellowed by age and experience to make exalted claims about the uniqueness, IIT will only remain a relic to be cherished as a priceless memory, a precious symbol of carefree youthfulness left behind on a miniscule bridge of time for IIT will never be the same again.

26th May 06


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