Thursday, December 20, 2007

Awareness : Vipassana


Apropos of the write up on the above by many based on the Buddhist tenets, I thought I may as well share in brief my own views on this topic per se based on my visits to Dharamshala, Tawang, Tenga valley,Bomdilla and the like during my service career. SVS hits the nail right on its head when he says that Buddhists believe that, I quote, “Awareness is at the heart of Enlightenment and ultimately leads to it. That is why the Buddha and others stressed the importance of mindfulness practices; being aware of your breathing, of your eating, of your walking, of everything that you do at all times.” unquote.
In fact, “Awareness and equanimity to avoid craving and aversion” is the central theme of VIPASSANA Technique—which when practised together lead to liberation from suffering. It is opined that if either is weak or lacking, it is not possible to progress towards that goal. Both are essential, just as a bird requires two wings to fly. That is seeking to be conscious of everything that happens within, yet not to react to it, understanding that it will change! This they say is what the Buddha called yatha bhuta jnaana dassanaa (the wisdom that arises on being AWARE of reality as it is.)
So when one of the Lamas presented me a book on Vipassana (Rs. 60/- only), I enjoyed reading it. You too would I am sure. The gist?
Vipassana is one of India’s most ancient techniques of meditation (2500 years old) rediscovered and propounded by Buddha Himself as a universal remedy for universal ills!!! At first the technique flourished in India but gradually it became corrupted, lost its efficacy and disappeared from the land of its origin. Fortunately, the neighbouring Burmah (Myanmar?) preserved the original form of Vipassana through out the millennia.
Vipassana is a Pali word meaning insight, seeing things as they really are. It is not a blind faith or philosophy and has nothing to do with sectarian religion. Instead, Vipassana is a practical method that can be applied by any one. (even me!! a beneficiary). Its goal is to calm the mind, eliminate tensions and negativities that make us miserable day in and day out. Later you may even stop pleading “Chanchalam hi manah Krishnaa….”
Vipassana is a journey into the TRUE SELF starting from the level of superficial, gross and apparent reality to penetrate to the subtlest level.
My personal view on awareness?...uuum..?
AWARENESS is seeing the truth behind all actions. Awareness is the first step to creating. When you begin to create something you want, it is important to be aware of what is actually occurring and not get caught up in what you think is happening. 'Cause our thoughts and feelings are not a good indication of what is real.

May we be inspired to live as- WE -true authentic selves?
So that we are an inspiration to our loved ones and foes.
This is my wish for all my fellow human beings.

Hope this is not asking for too much! In any case I seek forgiveness from all for imprudent impudence!!.

18th Jul 06.


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